Mrs. Douthard's Directory

Created by Catherine Douthard, Interventionist and Instructional Technology Specialist

Sharing educational resources for students, parents and teachers!


General WebsitesGeographyUS GovernmentUS Presidents
Activities - Xpeditions

America's Library

Georgia State Symbols

Harcourt Brace Social Studies

Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village

National Geographic for Kids

News Snapshot

Scholastic News

Social Studies Online

Time for Kids Home

Wessels Living History Farm

Who is That?



GeoNet Game

Maps@ABCTeach - Games

Maps That Teach  U.S. and World Geography

Order Me Around

Outline Maps

Types of Land

UN Atlas of the Oceans


World Atlas: Georgia Maps - States and Capitals

3 Branches of Gov

Balance of Gov

Ben's Guide Gr. 3-5

Congress for Kids


IPL Political Process

IPL 50 States

IPL Government

The PBS Kids Democracy Project

Supreme Court Crossword

U.S. Government

USCIS - Naturalization Self Test

Consitution Day - Naturalization Self Test

Virtual Tour of Washington, DC

Abraham Lincoln

American Presidents Life Portraits

George Washington

George Washington's Mount Vernon - Virtual Mansion Tour

IPL Presidents

Name That President

Online Tour of the White House

Past Presidents

Presidents & the White House

The American President Living Quarters puzzle

U.S. Presidents

White House for Kids

Links Disclaimer and Caution

When you leave this website, I am NOT responsible for other websites. Sites maintained by outside organizations may be changed without notice to me. Therefore, I do not guarantee that these websites have not changed. When last reviewed, the websites linked from my pages seemed suitable for you to visit, but that may have changed. If you have any difficulties or concerns with any linked materials, please let me know.

Copyright June 2013, Catherine Douthard. All rights reserved. Last updated: 07/13/2019.